Please do not display my full name, email adress or provide my contcat details to the aplicants. I am happy for the below text to displayed and my name to be listed as Noel H. To whom it may concern: I oppose the exemption to Cinemas on one simple ground. We are all equal and should be treated equally. Deaf and Hard of Hearing people are equal in the community and should be given equal access to everything – including Cinema’s. I would like to quote the Mission statement from the Australian Human Rights Commission: “making human rights values part of everyday life and language” If this statement is true then I see any exemption as direct erosion of my everyday human rights. I am also concerned that by submitting a joint Application for exemption under DDA section 55 “Cinema captioning and audio description” that the cinema chains may be engaged in Anti- competitive practices that contravene the competition provisions of the Trade Practices Act. Can I request that the commission refer this matter to the ACCC for review? Please decline this application and support equal access to everyone. Regards, Noel H