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Close the Gap - Indigenous Health

Generation to Close the Gap?


At the heart of this nation, there is a fundamental wrong in the relationship between the First Peoples and non-Indigenous people.

We are divided between those who celebrate Australia Day without any thought of the implications of that day, and those who mourn Invasion Day and mark it as Survival Day, those for whom racism is an abstract noun, and those for whom racism is a concrete daily reality.

There is yet another division.

Close the Gap - Progress & Priorities report 2016


Close the Gap Campaign Submission on Part IIA of the RDA

Wednesday 30 April, 2014

Close the Gap Campaign Steering Committee

Submission to the Attorney-General’s Department

Exposure Draft of the Freedom of Speech (Repeal of S. 18C) Bill 2014

30 April 2014

Close the Gap - Progress and priorities report 2014
