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Multicultural businesswomen brainstorm cooperating at office meeting.
Sex Discrimination

Speaking from Experience Project

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched Speaking from Experience, landmark project that centres the voices of people with lived experience in workplace sexual harassment reform.

freespeech2014 logo
Rights and Freedoms

Free Speech 2014

The Commission hosted a one-day symposium on free speech on Thursday 7th August 2014.
motor scooter
Disability Rights

Mobility Scooters in Registered Clubs

This paper aims to start a discussion about mobility scooters (scooters) and their use within and around Registered Clubs (the Clubs). It has been produced as part of a project initiated by a partnership between the RSL & Services Clubs and the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Photo: Stained glass representing many religions, Christianity, Taoism, Hindu, Buddhist, Judaism, Islam
Rights and Freedoms

Freedom of Religion and Belief

Freedom of religion and belief is a fundamental human right protected by a number of international treaties and declarations, including article 18(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). This right encompasses freedom of thought on all matters and the freedom to...
Transfer of asylum seekers to third countries
Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Transfer of asylum seekers to third countries

Learn how the Australian government introduced third-country processing for asylum seekers who came to Australia by boat without a valid visa in 2012.

Immigration detention, asylum seekers and refugees

The Commission seeks to ensure that the human rights of all people held in immigration detention in Australia are protected. The Commission has focused its recent immigration detention work on the conditions and treatment of asylum seekers, refugees and children, because they have specific...
Image of computer with stream of information and symbols
Rights and Freedoms

Human rights and the Internet

The Internet provides unparalleled opportunities for the promotion and advancement of certain rights
rainbow flag

New protection

Learn about new protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status.
Human rights poster
Rights and Freedoms

Rights and freedoms - right by right

As part of the development of our new website we are developing pages on human rights scrutiny by reference to each area of rights and obligations set out in the main human rights treaties which have been developed by the international community and adopted by Australia in the years since the...