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In support of the TAFE Queensland commitment to the principles of Social Justice, the newlyformed Institute Management Group (IMG) appointed an Institute disability officer (IDO) in July 1995 to address the needs of staff, students and clients with disabilities. A regional meeting of people having a disability or an interest in this area was facilitated by the IDO. From the outcomes of this meeting, a subcommittee of Faculty Directors of the IMG was formed. In consultation with this subcommittee, the IDO developed a strategic plan for disability within the Institute. This was circulated to participants of the original meeting for approval, and ratified by the IMG for implementation. The IDO developed an operational plan which was approved by the IMG. Initiatives which have been implemented include X *Xthe appointment of a College Disability Officer at each of the three major campuses of the Institutex4 X *Xinclusive Quality Assurance proceduresx4  R4 X *Xstaff training in the ResponseAbility packagex4 X *Xaccess audits to facilities at all campuses of the Institutex4 X *Xaction plans based on access auditsx4 X *Xestablishment of strong community Disability Information Networks in each city.x4 "a a XX In May 1996, the TAFE Queensland Executive Management Forum endorsed a move for Institute DDA Action Plans to be completed by each Institute for lodgment with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.  P  Development of the Disability Action Plan The IMG delegated responsibility for the draft DDA Action Plan to an IMG subcommittee of Faculty Directors and IDO. The IDO established a working party of representatives of academic and administrative staff together with a student representative with a disability and a staff representative with a disability.  P1  POSITIONX` ` X XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9X  >AREA OF INTEREST x4   P  Institute Disability Committee x4  R  X Faculty Director XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Faculty of Applied Science & Business x4 X Faculty Director XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Faculty of SISARx4 X Faculty Director XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Faculty of Technologyx4 X Institute Disability Coordinator hh$X)X.Xpp4X9All students and staff with a disabilityx4  P  DDA Working Party X Director` ` X XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9CBT Centrex4 X Faculty Teacher XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Business & Applied Sciencex4 X Faculty Teacher XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9SISARx4 X Faculty Teacher XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Technologyx4 X Manager` ` X XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Operations/Facilitiesx4 X Manager` ` X XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Student & Human Resource Supportx4 X Staff member with a disability hh$X)X.Xpp4X9Corporate Services (Human Resource Services)x4 X Student with a disability` Xhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Student Council Representative %%SX''XX0*0*]x40* X Staff member XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Business Development Unitx4 X Institute Quality Coordinator hh$X)X.Xpp4X9QA unitx4 X Manager` ` X XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Finance unitx4 X Staff member XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Resource Servicesx4 X Staff member XXhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Institute Directoratex4 X College Disability Officer` Xhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Bundabergx4 X College Disability Officer` Xhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Hervey Bayx4 X College Disability Officer` Xhh$X)X.Xpp4X9Maryboroughx4 X x4 "a a XXԌ  P  MISSION STATEMENT Wide Bay Institute Mission Statement for inclusive vocational education and training for students with a disability epitomises the sentiments of Wide Bay Institute Vision 2005. Wide Bay Institute aims for: `x4x4t @ !ddxp- AXddx  2 @     =h =h  jO *Equality of opportunity for successful $r hparticipation and outcomes for all staff and students in TAFE h- to meet the needs of Australian hemployers for a skilled workforce and enhanced work and life Sh-opportunities for the Individual.     "a a XX  P  POLICY STATEMENT ON PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES WBIT promotes inclusive practices in regard to disability.  R The rescinded draft TAFE Queensland Policy for the Provision of Services Students with a Disability states the commitment and responsibilities of the Wide Bay Institute as part of the TAFE Queensland network of Institutes. Institute policies now have to be drafted and implemented to replace the TAFE Queensland Policy.  P_ WIDE BAY INSTITUTE EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS WITH A DISABILITY The Institute aims to encourage students and prospective students to: X *Xcontact the relevant College Disability Officer as early as possible to plan for the relevant TAFE course;x4 X *Xselfdisclose disability and required support needs to the extent necessary to ensure an appropriate response to those needs by the Institute;x4 X *Xbe proactive in advising the Institute of difficulties encountered in accessing TAFE resources and facilities throughout their course and of suggested ways of overcoming these difficulties;x4 X *Xensure that support services are used in a fair and effective manner by advising of any absences affecting the need of support personnel or equipment.x4  Pb WIDE BAY INSTITUTE EXPECTATIONS OF STAFF IN RELATION TO STUDENTS WITH A DISABILITY The Institute aims to: X *Xensure staff respond in an appropriate manner to the inclusion of students with a disability in TAFE programs and activities;x4 X *Xprovide training in disability awareness for all staff;x4 X *Xengender appreciation in all staff of the inclusion of diversity;x4 X *Xbe proactive in developing best practice in teaching and instruction methods;x4 X *Xensure that support services for disability are available to teaching staff.x4  P| LIABILITY OF PERSONS INVOLVED IN UNLAWFUL ACTS Under vicarious liability, all staff are responsible for taking necessary steps to eliminate both direct and indirect discrimination towards students with a disability in relation to their own behaviour and that of staff and students in their areas of responsibility. The Institute will provide support and training to staff in the execution of their duties. A student who discriminates against a member of the Institute community with a disability could be in breach of antidiscrimination legislation."a a XXԌ P   XXXX SUMMARY OF INTENT Wide Bay Institute aims to provide access, equity and equality of opportunity for successful participation of people with a disability in postcompulsory TAFE vocational education and training courses meeting the needs of employers for a skilled workforce and enhanced work and life opportunities for the individual. We will achieve this through: @ AXddx  2 aXddxv p- @ v  P  Inclusive Education: *XDD encouraging students with a disability to enrol in vocational courses and training programs or modules for which they satisfy entry requirements4/D *XDD supporting individual students with a disability to achieve course/module outcomes4/D *XDD assisting staff working with students with a disability4/D *XDD seeking feedback on programs and student services from students with a disability 4/Dv  P  Raising Awareness: *XDD including disability issues in all student course orientation programs4/D *XDD publishing Institute commitment to the provision of disability services4/D *XDD providing staff development on disability issues4/D *XDD promoting vocational education for people with a disability4/D *XDD liaising with groups and personnel involved with people with disabilities4/D   P  Skilling staff:  R *XDD providing ongoing delivery of ResponseAbility, the national TAFE training program in disability4/D *XDD targeting key personnel for training in specific areas of disability4/D *XDD establishing a resource base of information on disability for teachers4/D *XDD developing support mechanisms for staff to monitor student progress4/D *XDD publishing articles on disability issues in College staff newsletters4/D  P  Increasing Participation Rates: *XDD liaising with education and training providers to promote vocational courses4/D *XDD consulting with specialist disability officers in other Government Departments and community agencies4/D *XDD promoting access for people with disabilities to vocational courses4/D *XDD providing timely advice and negotiated support for people with a disability4/D "a a XX  P  Working Collaboratively: *XDD developing and maintaining networks with agencies and individuals who work with people with disabilities4/D *XDD sharing information concerning disability4/D *XDD developing interagency programs4/D *XDD working with support groups to access resources and information 4/D *XDD improving training in disability4/D *XDD encouraging input from people with a disability4/D  "a a XX The Action Plan addresses: X 1)X*X` ` a review of current activities;x4` X X*X` ` policies and programs;x4` X X*X` ` goals and targets;x4` X X*X` ` evaluation strategies;x4` X X*X` ` allocation of responsibility; andx4` X X*X` ` communication of policies and programs.x4` X 2)Xrequirements of:x4 X X*X` ` staff and employeesx4` X X*X` ` studentsx4` X X*X` ` clients, internal and external; andx4` X X*X` ` employers, community outreach and support;x4` X 3)Xissues ofx4 X X*X` ` access;x4` X X*X` ` equity;x4` X X*X` ` participation; andx4` X X*X` ` equality of outcome from vocational education and training.x4`  "a a XXԌX x4 &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  Pv  CONTEXT Federal and state government legislation, policies and initiatives in social justice address the needs and interests of marginalised target groups, including people with a disability. In the past, training for people with a disability in the TAFE environment has addressed needs in the areas of basic education and life skills. In support of the Australian National Training Reform Agenda, in a competitive market, TAFE Queensland has refocussed its direction to emphasise training leading to outcomes of employment and/or further training for all students. Wide Bay Institute must respond to and reflect national and state trends in training reform including: *X increased competition in the training market, identified in the National Competition Policy resulting from Hilmer (1993);x4 *X increased emphasis on vocational training with an outcome of employment or further education;x4 *X the demand from people with a disability to access the mainstream workforce as skilled productive workers;x4 *X the impact of legislation and policies supporting equity for people with a disability.x4 Wide Bay Institute defines the student with a disability as: a)X an individual with a disability accessing on merit an inclusive vocational education and training program on the ANTA profile, with an outcome of employment or further education;x4 b)X an individual, or group of individuals, with a disability accessing Adult and Community Education Programs in recreation and specific daily living;x4 c)X a group of individuals with a disability negotiating a tailormade course through the Business Development Unit.x4 e "a a XX  P  LEGISLATION AND POLICY Wide Bay Institute developed this Action Plan to support and implement equity for people with a disability . Wide Bay Institute accepts relevant terms as defined in legislation and policy documents listed:  P  Commonwealth: *X Disability Discrimination Act (1992) (Commonwealth)x4 *X Disability Services Act (1986) (Commonwealth)x4 *X Disability Strategy (1994)x4  RH *X FlexAbility x4  R1 *X ResponseAbilityx4  P  State: *X AntiDiscrimination Act (1991) (Queensland)x4 *X Disability Services Act (1989) (Queensland)x4 *X Queensland Government Strategy on Disability Servicesx4 *X VETEC Social Justice Policy and Implementation Strategy (1993)x4  Py  Department of Training and Industrial Relations: *X Disability in Contextx4 *X HRM Policy Statement No 7 Equal Employment Opportunityx4 *X HRM Policy Statement No 14 AntiDiscriminationx4 *X HRM Policy Statement 21: Reasonable Adjustmentx4  P  TAFE Queensland: *X Principles for TAFE Queensland for Inclusive Vocational Education and Training for Students with a Disabilityx4  P  Wide Bay Institute of TAFE: *X Quality Assurance procedures x4 *X DDA Action Plan which will replace:x4 X ©XWBIT Strategic Plan for Disabilityx4 X ©XWBIT Action Plan for Disability Integrationx4 X ©XWBIT Access Audit Action Planx4  "a a XX &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  XXXX  XXXX  &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  P  REVIEW OF CURRENT PRACTICES  Rv X This precedes each goal.x4 &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  P POLICY AND PROGRAMS  R X These are listed under Commonwealth, State, Department and section within the Department in the section titled Legislation and policy.x4  P  GOALS AND TARGETS X These are given under Strategy and Responsibility.x4  P EVALUATION X This is listed under Performance Indicators.x4  P RESPONSIBILITIES X This is listed in the column headed Responsibility.x4  P7 COMMUNICATION X This is addressed at the end of the Plan.x4 "a a XXԌ  P  GOAL 1: To remove barriers to access to physical facilities at WBI.  P  REVIEW:  R  X WBI Management Group approved that access audits of all facilities be conducted every two years, commencing December 1995, with one member of the access audit team representative of people with a disability.x4 X Access Audit Action Plans based on the findings of the first audit were drawn up, and requirements prioritised.x4 X While in some instances progress has been made in that access has been provided, the available access is not equitable.x4 X As a result of the access audit, the following improvements have been made:x4 X *Xsigns indicating wheelchair access have been erected;x4 X *Xcar parking spaces have been allocated and signed;x4 X *Xa toilet block providing wheelchair access was erected at Maryborough.x4 X Because many of our old buildings fail to comply to present access standards, and current trends in our industry lean more to onthejob training, we need to approach access issues from a creative angle. In Bundaberg, there is no access by wheelchair to level 2 of most blocks in the trade training area. x4 X x4 X At this point in time, all TAFE Queensland Institutes have been instructed by the Department of Training and Industrial Relations (DTIR) Total Assets Management Unit (TAMU) to defer any major capital works to improve access untilx4 X *XTAFE Queensland sponsored access audit pilot schemes have been conducted x4 X X©X` ` WBIT has been designated as the regional pilot site;x4` X *XInstitutes are notified of outcomes of pilot schemes;x4 X *Xmajor deficiencies in compliance to standards and cost factors in relation to rationalisation of resources have been assessed;x4 X *Xdirection of future developments in vocational training in TAFE has been determined.x4 X x4 X A means of incorporating consideration of access issues will have to be devised in relation to:x4 X *Xleased property;x4 X *Xsubcontracted providers; andx4 X *Xtraining in the workplace.x4 X The use of Internet as an alternative means of access to courses in WBI needs to be considered.x4  "a a XX  P  GOAL 1  P To remove barriers to access to physical facilities at WBI.  P  Key Elements  R  The removal, where possible, of physical barriers to participation in TAFE services by people with a disability due to existing infrastructure. The circumvention of physical barriers to participation in TAFE services by people with a disability due to infrastructure where it is not possible to alter the infrastructure.  P  Performance Indicators 1.X Inclusion of Access Audit Action Plan in capital works programs.x4 2.X All new buildings, and those leased or rented by WBI, will comply with access standards.x4 3.X No student will be denied enrolment because of access problems.x4 b"a a XX  P  Strategy 1.1:` ` Develop a plan to provide equitable physical access to facilities at WBI. x4` O aXddxv p- Xddx O      5ACTION Ã  R ,+ TIMEFRAME Ã  R !D RESPONSIBILITY Ã  R +$.a EVALUATION Ã  .    R4  Review and revise access audit to address equity of access. Prioritise actions. June 1998 June 1988 TAMU; A/D Resources & IDO A/D Resources & IDO Plan meets standards Implementation of plan .    P  Strategy 1.2:` ` Provide funding for provision of equitable physical access to facilities at WBI. x4` ^ Xddx Xddx~  j ^ .      R&  u  ACTION ăA 5TimeframeA !B$IResponsibilityA .-/cEvaluation  E  ~  Gain IMG commitment to budget allocation for equitable physical access Allocate appropriate budget  June 1998 June 1998 A/D Resources/IDO IMG Budget allocation approved Improvements under wayE  A  PX  Strategy 1.3:` `  Promote access audits of all facilities every two years until all facilities meet required standards. ..hx4` ^ Xddx~  j XddxAP N  ^ E    A  R  [  ACTION ă :Timeframe $.'PResponsibility .0gEvaluation  .  A Conduct access audits every two years to achieve compliance. Review previous audit to register achievement Investigate possibilities of Internet2 Ongoing Ongoing June 19982 A/D Resources with Access Audit Group Access Audit Group I.T. staff, IDO, Faculties2 Improving access Improved access Internet access.   "a a XXԌ P  &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  XXXX  XXXX  ÙGOAL 2: To improve access to information about WBIT products and services.x4  P  REVIEW: X The Institute has invested in a teletext VCR.x4 X Two members of staff have participated voluntarily in a signed English course.x4 X WBI has provided equipment for visionimpaired students, with 21" computer monitors and screenenhancement software at each campus.x4 X No information concerning WBI courses, services or facilities is currently available in alternative format.x4 X WBI has no telephone typewriter or associated equipment, except a hearing loop at the Maryborough campus.x4  "a a XX  P  GOAL 2 To provide equitable access to information at WBI.  P Key Elements  R  The ability to provide information in alternative format on request.  R_ Awareness of availability of information in alternative format .  P Performance Indicators 1.X Facility is available to translate WBI and course information into alternative formats.x4 2.X Staff and students know translation facility exists.x4 3.X Material supplied in alternative formats on request.x4  "a a XX  P  Strategy 2.1:` ` Develop provision for access to information in alternative formats. x4` ^ XddxAP N  Xddx ] ^ .      Rz  [  ACTION ă T28Timeframe "(%KResponsibility g-9/dEvaluation      Liaise with the Marketing unit to ensure ability to provide information on disk on request Provide information to community/Government/support agencies for dissemination to people with disabilities Liaise with community and Government agencies and support groups to ensure awareness of Institute Disability Services. Purchase and install a telephone typewriter (TTY).9 June 1998 January 1998 June 1998 December 19979 Marketing Unit/IDO IDO IDO IDO9 Availability Availability Community awareness TTY usage     P Strategy 2.2:` ` Encourage staff to learn sign language. x4` ^ Xddx ] Xddx h ] ^        Rn  [  ACTION ă 8Timeframe "$KResponsibility g-9/dEvaluation  .   Establish a register of available signing interpreters Offer training in the deaf alphabet to all teaching and enrolment staff  June 1998 January 1999  IDO IDO  Availability Use of deaf alphabet.   r"a a XX  P  Strategy 2.3: ` `  Establish procedures to ensure availability of class materials in alternate format as needed. x4` ^ Xddx h ] !Xddx N 8 ^ .      Rc O  ACTION ă~ ;Timeframe~ :%'QResponsibility~ .0gEvaluation      Make provision for advance copy of class handouts and materials on request Ensure provision of class handouts and materials in alternative format when required Introduce policy to purchase captioned videos where available Make provision for access to equipment such as hearing loops in response to demand9 Ongoing Ongoing June 1998 December 19989 Teaching staff/CDOs Teaching staff/CDOs IDO/Senior College Librarians/Teaching staff A/D Resources/IDO9 Student survey Availability Use of captioned videos Availability   ~  "a a XX &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  XXXX  XXXX  GOAL 3: To remove attitudinal barriers to people with a disability at WBI.x4  R_  REVIEW: In addition to permanent employees, WBI employs a large casual workforce.x4 X XDisability awareness has been incorporated into all staff inductions and student orientations.x4 X XThe Institute has employed an Institute disability officer, and a College disability officer at each campus.x4 X XEvery fortnight, the Institute disability officer publishes an article on some aspect of disability in each internal college newsletter.x4 X XRegular staff training sessions in disability issues are available for all staff.x4 X XWBI plans to include aspects of disability awareness training in all staff development.x4 X XAn Institute survey on staff training needs in disability issues was conducted in April 1997.x4 X XStaff training has been based on the ResponseAbility package, now registered and accredited asx4 X X*X` ` Certificate 111 in Vocational Education and Training Administration (Disability) x4` X X*X` ` Certificate IV in Vocational Education and Training (Disability).x4` "a a XX  P  GOAL 3  P To remove attitudinal barriers to people with a disability at WBI.  P Key Elements To remove attitudinal barriers concerning the teaching and learning of people with a disability which prevent their full participation at WBI. To remove attitudinal barriers concerning employment of people with a disability which prevent their full participation at WBI.  P  Performance Indicators  R 1.X 50 % of staff to be trained in ResponseAbility by 2001.x4  R 2.X 20% of casual/contract staff to be trained in ResponseAbility by 2001.x4 3.X Ongoing consultation between WBI staff and students with a disability in developing relevant support programs.x4 4.X WBI to have an EEO plan which addresses issues of equity in recruitment, selection, workplace, rehabilitation and general employment practices.x4 K"a a XX X x4  P  Strategy 3.1:` `  Facilitate ongoing staff development through the ResponseAbility training package. x4` ^ !Xddx N 8 AXddxJ h w ^      ~  Rc   ACTION ă~ 9Timeframe~ n#%MResponsibility~ -/eEvaluation  H   Liaise with the training and development officer to have disability included in all relevant professional development Attend faculty meetings to promote disability awareness and issues, appropriate language and behaviour Purchase library resources to develop understanding of disability Promote the ResponseAbility training package  June 1998 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing IDO/Training & Development officer IDO/CDOs IDO/Librarians ResponseAbility facilitators Staff participation Focus on the person, not the disability Availability of resources Learning outcomes achievedH  ~  P Strategy 3.2:` ` Encourage staff to use inclusive teaching and assessment methods. x4` ^ AXddxJ h w aXddxjj ^ H    ~  R i  ACTION ă- 7Timeframe- "(%KResponsibility- -s/dEvaluation  .  j Promote implementation of flexible delivery Facilitate alternate assessment and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for people with disabilities [ Ongoing Ongoing[ Teaching staff/IDO/CDOs CDO/Teaching staff/RPL officer[ Successful outcomes Applications for RPL & alternate assessment.  -["a a XXԌ R ԙ Strategy 3.3:` ` Promote inclusive practices within the student body of WBI in relation to people with a disability .x4` ^ aXddxjj XddxJj h  ^ .    -  R|   ACTION ă :Timeframe #H&NResponsibility ./eEvaluation      Promote student recognition of contribution of people with a disability Invite a student with a disability to be on the student council Involve students with a disability in student campus activities Include people with a disability in promotional material and activitiesR Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing $ All staff Student Activity Officer/CDO Student Activity Officer/CDO Marketing Unit/teaching staff $ No discrimination complaints Equitable representation of PWD Student survey Inclusion of PWD      P  Strategy 3.4:` ` Promote WBIT employment of people with a disability through meritbased selection and recruitment practices. x4` ^ XddxJj h  Xddxj h  ^        Rp O  ACTION ă tR;Timeframe T$&OResponsibility ./eEvaluation      Advise Interagency meetings of positions vacant Apply principles of meritbased recruitment and selection Apply principles of reasonable adjustment when necessary Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing F IDO Staff on recruitment panels IDO/staff supervisor F Applications received Number of employees with a disability Employee satisfactionr"a a XX    Ù &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  XXXX  XXXX   R  GOAL 4: To remove barriers to access to programs and services at WBI for people with a disability x4  Pa  REVIEW:  R3  X XWBI has NATA accreditation in Quality Assurance.x4 X XBecause the TAFE Queensland draft Provision of Services Students with a Disability has been rescinded, WBI will now have to draft QA procedures to ensure equitable access for people with a disability to programs and services.x4 X XTo ensure implementation, staff training in policy and procedures will be necessary.x4 "a a XX  P  GOAL 4  R To remove barriers to access to programs and services at WBI for people with a disability  P Performance Indicators  R 1. X Development and adoption of WBI policies and procedures in line with the Queensland VET Disability Policy by December 1998.x4 2.X Participation rate of people with disabilities enrolling at WBI is at least 8% by 2001.x4 3.X Successful completion of study program by people with a disability is similar to that of the general population by 2001.x4 4.X Continuous consultation between WBI and the disability support sector in developing relevant programs and generally informing the community of VET options.x4  "a a XX  R  Strategy 4.1:` ` Develop QA procedures to ensure equity for students with a disability.x4` ^ Xddxj h  Xddx0 h  ^        Re    ACTION ă ;Timeframe T$&OResponsibility M.0fEvaluation  .   Develop policy and QA procedures which facilitate access to courses and programs. Advise staff of policy and QA procedures Carry out internal audits of procedures   Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing  CDOs/IDO QA manager/IDO QA Unit  Updated QA procedures Student survey QA compliance.    P Strategy 4.2:` ` Improve channels of communication relating to programs and services at WBIT. x4` ^ Xddx0 h  XddxR0j h  ^ .      R    ACTION ă <Timeframe $.'PResponsibility .Y0fEvaluation     R Establish community networks for relaying this information Liaise with local industry and work support agencies to develop employment opportunities Target employers and people with a disability for posttrade and higher level training Include disability in Student Diary Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing  IDO/CDOs Job Placement Officer/CDO IDO/Marketing Unit/Workplace assessors Student Support Unit Successful outcomes Increased participation Increased opportunity Availability of information    "a a XX  P  Strategy 4.3:` ` Develop programs to meet identified training needs of people with a disability in the Wide Bay region. x4` ^ XddxR0j h  Xddx0j h  ^        Rz    ACTION ă <Timeframe $.'PResponsibility .Y0fEvaluation      Encourage local groups to lobby for recognition at the Federal level of training needs of people with high level support needs in basic living skills Consult with support groups to promote inclusive practices Arrange course counselling to meet individual needs g Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing g IDO IDO/CDOs CDOs/College counsellors g  Student survey Client satisfied with course     P9  Strategy 4.4:` ` Develop support mechanisms to ensure successful course outcomes for people with a disability at WBIT. x4` ^ Xddx0j h  !Xddx P h  ^        R O  ACTION ă <Timeframe :%'QResponsibility .0gEvaluation       Advertise on campus the services of the College disability officer Inform staff of the Studentatrisk program Ensure students are aware of grievance procedures Implement monitoring procedures Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing  CDO College counsellor Orientation staff CDO  Student survey Successful course completion Success of procedure Successful course completion    ["a a XXԌ ę &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX  XXXX  XXXX   P  GOAL 5: To maintain confidentiality for people with a disability at WBI.x4  R  REVIEW: Disability officers and counsellors treat all information provided by a student with a disability as confidential.x4 X XMany students decline to selfacknowledge a disability. Frequently a student will approach staff for assistance long after the course has begun. This means no provision for support can be made in advance.x4 X XProcedures for release of information and alternative assessment were included in the TAFE Queensland draft Provision of Services document. Because this has been rescinded, WBI will have to draft QA procedures.x4 X Xx4 "a a XX  P  GOAL 5  P To maintain confidentiality for people with a disability at WBI.  P  Performance Indicators 1.X WBI policy and procedure on confidentiality regarding students with a disability to be developed and adopted by December 1998.x4 2.X No grievances submitted by students over breach of confidentiality.x4  "a a XX X x4  P  Strategy 5.1:` `  Incorporate confidentiality policy in the WBI QA system. x4` ^ !Xddx P h  AXddx P  ^        Rc  u  ACTION ă~ 56Timeframe~ 4#%LResponsibility~ ./eEvaluation     Draft QA procedure for confidentiality, including alternative assessment and pro forma. Notify all staff of confidentiality QA procedure Notify all teaching staff of alternative assessment procedure ~  December 1998 January 1999 Ongoing~  QA staff /IDO QA staff/IDO/CDOs IDO/CDOs/QA staff~  QIR/QDR Student survey Successful course outcomes  ~  P9  Strategy 5.2:` `  Establish procedures which respect the privacy of people with a disability at WBIT. x4` ^ AXddx P  aXddx  j  ^     ~  R  [  ACTION ă l9Timeframe #&MResponsibility ./eEvaluation       Provide access to a private room for interviews Protect student privacy on forms for collection of statistical information Review procedure for access to confidential information Collect accurate data to develop a reliable database of information for planning support services June 1998 June 1998 December 1998 Ongoing  Related staff All related staff All related staff SAHRS/IDO/CDOs Availability Student survey Internal audits Meets requirements    r "a a XX  P  &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX! COMMUNICATION OF THE WBI DDA ACTION PLAN  R  X 1)XEach member of the IMG will receive a copy of the Plan.x4 X 2)XCopies of the Plan will be catalogued and available at each College Library.x4 X 3)XEach College disability officer will have a copy.x4 X 4)XStaff will be advised of availability of the Plan through internal College and Institute newsletter.x4 X 5)XStudents will be advised through the Student Council that the Plan is available through the College disability officer.x4 X 6)XThe local community also will be advised through the Community Development newsletters.x4 X 7)XThe Institute Council will receive a copy of the Plan.x4 X 8)XThe Plan will be available on disk.x4 X 9)XThe Plan will be lodged with HREOC.x4 X 10)XThe Plan will be reviewed annually by the IMG Disability Committee in February.x4 X 11)XAny matters relating to the Plan should be referred to the Institute disability officer.x4 |!"a a XX  P  &6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2&6&6StandardHPLAIIPO.PRS:s2^XXXX!" ABBREVIATIONS A/DX XAssociate Directorx4 ANTAX XAustralian National Training Authorityx4 CDOX XCollege Disability Officerx4 DDAX XDisability Discrimination Actx4 DTIRX XDepartment of Training & Industrial Relationsx4 EEOX XEqual Employment Opportunityx4 HREOCHuman Rights & Equal Opportunity Commissionx4 IDOX XInstitute Disability Officerx4 IMGX XInstitute Management Groupx4 QAX XQuality Assurancex4 RPLX XRecognition of Prior Learningx4 SAHRSStudent and Human Resource Servicesx4 SISARService Industries, Studies, Arts & Recreationx4 TAMUTotal Assets Management Unitx4 WBIX XWide Bay Institutex4  ""a a XX The Wide Bay Institute of TAFE Disability Discrimination Act (1992) Action Plan was approved by the Institute Management Group at the meeting held at Hervey Bay Campus, on: DATE:Friday, 18 November 1997x4 SIGNED:________________________________________x4 X XKay Gilesx4 X X(Chairperson, Institute Management Group)x4  yH Contact Officer:Maureen Timmonsx4 X XInstitute Disability Officerx4 X XBundaberg Collegex4 X X112 Walker Street/PO Box 512x4 X XBundaberg Qld 4670x4 X XPH:X` ` 0741 505814x4` X XFax:X` ` 0741 505891x4` X Xx4  R