From: kim rowles [] Sent: Tuesday, 3 July, 2001 18:24 To: Subject: Submission re HREOC Inquiry into equal access to WAT Services As regular user (16-20 times per week) of wats, I wish to endorse and give full support to the submission which has put to the Commission by the Physical Disability Council OF NSW. Further to that submission I wish to emphasise the absolute necessity to fully investigate the safety issues and driver training as it relates to safety. .Last month around 10.00pm I waited 40 mins for aWAT in Burwood.The driver (taxi 4773 - flash cab)did not have any straps to secure the wheelchair and told myself and my 3 friends that electric wheelchairs don't need to be secured because they have automatic brakes.I got out out and called 0200 and reported this to the supervisor and had to wait a further 30 mins for another cab.This is not unusual. Spot checks on vehicles and equip must be introduced and the driver must be called in and the vehicle taken off the rd as soon as such a complaint is rec'd as well as the driver being required to do training on securing the wc and his/her competencies being assessed.Competency based training for all drivers is a necessity. Another issue that needs to be investigated/addressed is that of the discriminatory practice of mters being located where passengers in wc's cannot see them.I have travelled several times in the following vehicles which have meters located inap[propriately on the lower dash or behind a safety screen (3490 maxi,3421,1629,2963,369,5648 to name a few). Performance indicators attached to network authority licences/agreements with the dept of transport cannot be emphasised enough particularly in relation to communication and follow thru on pick ups. The cost of taxi travel for those who cannot catch public transport even if accessible must be revisited.I spend $150 pw after subsidy (min).Measures such as increased subsidy from 50% to 75% or deletion of booking and loading fees need to be investigated. I hope a thorough and full investigation of all the issues raised in submissions will be undertaken and that wc users will get a service equivalent to taxi users who do not need to rely on WATS. Thank you Kim Rowles 35 Macauley St Leichhardt.