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Rural and Remote Education - SA

Rural and Remote

Education - SA

Public hearing in Port Lincoln

SA - 10 August 1999

Witnesses giving

evidence in Port Lincoln were

  1. Rod Cocks, District

    Superintendent, Department of Education and Children's Services: Curriculum;

    specialist teachers; Aboriginal students; staff incentives; professional

    development; travelling; success stories; staff recruitment; staff disincentives;

    Aboriginal teachers; travelling for competition; support specialists;

    staff retention; information technology; access to buses; early childhood;

    students with disabilities; special school; post-school options; staff

    recruitment; drain of trained staff; travel for professional support;

    budget formulae; school fees; flexible timetable

  2. Cathy Cameron,

    Principal, Port Lincoln High School: Aboriginal Education Workers; staff

    shortage; Country Call consultations; Aboriginal staff; Aboriginal student

    retention; staffing formulae; example of Lincoln Gardens; staff recruitment;

    school fees; flexible timetable

  3. Heather Curtis,

    Principal of Curtin Point Primary School: Staff recruitment; relief

    staff; extra-curricula opportunities; career development opportunities;

    travel for professional development; literacy and numeracy; student

    mobility; drain of trained staff; compensation for training first year

    out teachers; professional development; Aboriginal student attendance;

    school fees; flexible timetable

  4. Sister Catherine

    Mead, Principal of St Joseph's: St Joseph's student body and staff complement;

    student retention; senior curriculum; VET; fees; students with special

    needs; speech pathology; psychological support; tertiary education;

    boarding; professional development; video-conferencing for professional

    development; extra curricula opportunities; staff recruitment

  5. Harry Miller and

    Howard Coote, Port Lincoln Aboriginal Community Council: Aboriginal

    community-school relationship; Aboriginal early childhood; Aboriginal

    student retention; financial support for students; cross-cultural training;

    employment opportunities; teaching staff in Aboriginal communities;

    Aboriginal student support; impacts of isolation and distance; Aboriginal

    tertiary students; career counselling for Aboriginal students; DEETYA

    funding; Aboriginal business development; TAFE; Aboriginal community

    decision-making in schools; local Aboriginal employment

  6. Dick Cuttle (Executive

    of the Area School Principals Association), Dennis Crisp (Tumby Bay

    Area School), Jan Burton (Cowell Area School), Chris Deslandes (Principal

    of Cummins Area School) and Ian Bailie (Principal of Cleve Area School):

    Area schools in South Australia; secondary staffing formula; distance

    education; specialist schools; school bus provision; school fees; extra

    curricula travel; CAP formula; work experience; support services; disability;

    support staff allocation formula; staff incentives; clustering; information

    technology and telecommunications; Anangu education;

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updated 2 December 2001.